News — chris sacca
Where did the good people go?
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I’m trying to share my spiritual experience with everyone in a fun adorable and meaningful way; my Cuddle Spoons. Here is the subject in the simplest way that I can say it “Don’t take your life for granted”. I survived a server stroke, since that day forward the odds had always been against me. Even though I tried everything in the world to get back on my feet and to live a normal life, I failed. I was lucky to keep my creative mind and thinking strength but my physical ability is SAD. Sorry for trailing off the subject of...
I’m over my Head — Disabled Man creates Fun gift for 2 but doesn’t know how to Market himself or product.
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Yes everything is true. It started off as a fun rehabilitation project and now I’m trying to build a successful business from my accomplishments & life story. My life started off promising and well directed for the first 26 years, since 1988 (TBI Stroke) I been totaling Disabled living my life in a wheelchair 24/7/365. I designed a simple fun gift that I call “CUDDLES”, CUDDLES has been described as the perfect spoon gift because they make people happy, their practical and everyone loves them — . I can talk all day with you about my gift but what I really need...
Still time let to get your CUDDLES before Valentine's Day!
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Still time let to get your CUDDLES before Valentine's Day! @sacca @mcuban @LoriGreiner @BarbaraCorcoran @TheSharkDaymond @robertherjavec @SharkTankBlogr @ABCSharkTank #love #sweet #heart #valentinesday @Entrepreneur @Forbes @USA TODAY @TIME The New York Times @Cuddling @Spooning @(sex position)
Happy Valentine's Day to the Today Show
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Happy Valentine's Day to the Today Show from Cuddle Spoons. Thumbs Up Kathie Lee & Hoda Kotb - your very own Originals. More custom designs.
Seriously, do you honestly believe that my dream was to be a spoon salesman?
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What is the secret in creating a successful business? How many of you have a business? Final question: What do I need to do for you to buy my Cuddle Spoons? Many of you out there have been very generous to Lynn and I; through this rough time, but it's not over yet because Lynn is still unemployed. I know my CUDDLES are special, this is a gift that no one on earth can give you - just me because I lived through this. I know on first glance all that you see are 2 cute cuddling spoons, the truth...