News — hug me
Hug Me Tender: Scientists Unlock The Secret To The Perfect Cuddle.
abilities expo boy and girl child psychology cuddle me cuddling disabled bloggers eating aid Eating aids for Children. Eating aids for the Disabled. eating disorder eating ice cream eating with a spoon eating with arthritis hug me hug me cuddle me parent-child bonding physical contact physiological impact
In this era of social distancing and depressing news, we could all do with a good hug. Now scientists have analysed what makes the perfect cuddle -- just don't squeeze too tight. A team from Japan's Toho University measured the calming effect on infants of hugs of different pressures, and when given by strangers compared to from parents. By monitoring heart rates for the infant and using pressure sensors on the adult's hand, the researchers assessed the baby's reaction to just being held, a hug with medium pressure, and what they called a "tight hug." According to the results, published...