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A simply how to: Tax write-off for the Wealthy, Rich and Billionaires’.

bad guys billionaires cash flow good guys income tax income tax write off invest invest in me investments investors who made millions rich wealthy wealthy people worthy cause

Use Cuddle Spoons as your tax write off.

Who doesn’t love money? If you are like most people you want to keep all the money you make. Hiding your money in a mattress doesn’t work anymore and it can be dangerous. So why not put your money in a worthy cause, you know something that will benefit you every day of your life. That is why I’m writing this article especially for you Wealthy, Rich and Billionaires’ so please pay close attention to this. Soon the end of the year is coming and we all want those extra write-offs.

Here it is and here we go, this is how it all started; by my thoughts:

 If “Good Guys” come in last place, does that mean “Bad Guys” comes in first?

That makes me think about my parents and how they brought me up as a “Good Guy”; as hard as I try I still don’t know how to be a “Bad Guy”. Anyways throughout my young adulthood many unexplainable downfalls happen to me. Long story short, my life changed drastically and even going through all of that stuff, I should be a “Bad Guy” but I’m not. Still the “Good Guy” in me put others before myself. Why? Beats Me!, ask my folks.

I gave up everything to help others understand my message of life, “Life is precious so don’t take it for granted”. In hopes of sharing my message in a cute spoon set that I personally designed and had manufactured with my own money; the money that would benefit me better with my own problems in life.

So that brings me to my simple write-off secrete, so Wealthy, Rich and Billionaires’ people listen to my welcoming advice.

Put your money into Cuddle Spoons ( My message/gift is a worthy cause to support, please use me as your write-off and help me share this priceless message to all. Ordering a case or two for your employees, clients and friends will help me so much. If you want to go another direction with your write-off, donate them to your local hospital.  The Disabled, Elderly and Children find them to be the prefect eating aid because of their fun/weight/design. Also they are a great rehabilitation tool for hand/arm control.

Thanks for reading my blog –

~ Ken Vantroba

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