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Do you have special memories? What makes them so special?

being romantic bowl of ice cream boy and girl cuddle cuddle spoons cuddling date night eating ice cream ice cream love love of my life man and lady man and women memories my special person night of romance perfect gift relationships special memories spoons under the covers

Eating ice cream and cuddling with my special person.

The reason that I ask is because my memories are special to me. My memories are all that I have. They give me hope, they make me happy, they make me feel good inside and they give me the strength that I need to get through the day.

In 1988 at the age of 26 I suffered a server brain trauma, in other words Vasculitis at the brain stem. Many people are not familiar with the word so I just say stroke, it’s basically the same blood blockage and inflammation on the vessels with the same damaging results; being DISABLED. My life had turned upside down and has never been the same but I can’t give up now, I tried everything to make my life better but no matter what I do I could never get back the years I lost and life I lived.

Many people still don’t understand that life is a gift and we shouldn’t take it for granted but so many of us do. When it comes to me, many years have passed and really there nothing much I can do to have a normal life again. But because of what I experience in life, I still I feel that I can do some good for others by telling them my story and sharing the message that I learned about life.

That is why I felt that I had to create a gift and to share it with as many people as I possibly can.  Yes my gift; Cuddle Spoons, dose reflect my special memories but the memories that you create with Cuddle Spoons are the both of yours forever. What other memory could top holding that special person?

You will always question yourself until you experience my Cuddle Spoons.


Ken Vantroba –

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