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My Pitch Facts to you all: Customers, Bloggers, Influencers, Investors.

My Pitch Facts to you all: Customers, Bloggers, Influencers, Investors.

Cuddle Spoons - They bring fun & happiness to everyone who touches them, and they also create priceless memories that will last forever.

I created my spoon gift for couples and singles, but now my spoons had been proven to be the perfect eating aid for people with eating issues and fun eating for kids.  My Cuddle Spoons design is like no other ever created, as a “Couples Gift” or “Eating Aid” there is nothing better. My gift was inspired from my life changing injury - STROKE. I was a healthy young man with a promising future but one day I had a fatal stroke that turned my life upside down. I can go on and tell you my story and tell you how special my spoons are but the only person that matters is YOU, you tell me how Cuddle Spoons change your life.

My spoon creation was designed as a curvy Male & Female figure handle, with a pink pillow for Female and a blue pillow for Male; resting on the side of their head. Above their heads is a shiny stainless steel spoon scoop. I also designed the packaging as a display box, a safe secure place to keep your memories live. The inner cardboard backing is graphic designed to be a bed top head and foot board, also on the center of the board is a section where you and your special other sign and date your memory.

 Pink & Blue Cuddling Couples by Cuddle Spoons.

Elderly, Disabled and Children.

Elderly with eating ieeuses. Injuries, Surgery, Rehabilitation.  Elderly with eating issues. Arthritis in the hand, Pain, Strength and motion.

Disabled man with his drop proof Cuddle Spoon.  Disabled man with his drop proof cord by Cuddle Spoons.

Do the Cuddle Shuffle... Children, Kids love them too!  Do the Cuddle Shuffle... Children, Kids love them too!  Do the Cuddle Shuffle... Children, Kids love them too!

I need help spreading the word! My spoons are made to be enjoyed by everyone of all ages, big and small, they’re made for all! Kid tested and approved! These keepsake gifts are the perfect utensil for anyone that needs a better grip for scooping or just something fun for eating your favorite treat. Get yours and test it out yourself, you won’t regret the memorable moment you unwrap your very own, personal Cuddle Spoon.

Cuddle Spoons Product Page: Click Here!

Bloggers, Influencers, Capital Investors are more than welcome, actually NEEDED! – please message me at

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